Saturday, August 27, 2011

Happy Day #12

Was thinking today about how we generally never appreciate things until we lose them. Oh we remember to say I love you to the ones that we adore, we remember to appreciate life and love,'s the little things we sometimes ignore.  Our health, our jobs, the sunshine, flowers, quiet time, etc.

When you have a flu or cold...remember how full of life you feel when you get well!  It's amazing.  But, right before you got were complaining of not having enough energy.  Ha!  See what I mean?  Sometimes, it takes worse things to happen, before you appreciate the life you have at the moment. we walk around not seeing the good things, only destined to be hit with tougher times?

Yeah, maybe. he he he

Of course not.  We try to see beyond our circumstances everyday.  We strive to remember the past when we weren't as well, when we were stuck in a snow storm or hurricane. Remembering the this too shall pass. Leaning on truth that is bigger than us.

Living outside of right now. Looking at the good, learning from the sad, bad or horrible.

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