Tuesday, September 27, 2011

If you give a blonde a Neti Pot...

I have had a cold for over a week and still have the headache, congestion etc.  Don't believe I have an infection, but thought that I would try the Neti Pot thing that everyone brags about.

First mistake...thinking that I could do it myself without buying a Neti Pot or solution.  I filled up a squirt bottle with lukewarm water and a pinch of salt. Leaned over the sink and began what I thought would be a simple task.

As I squirted the salt water through one nostril, the first thing that I felt was stinging!  I jumped around doing the "o" dance.  You know, where you hold the ailing body part and dance around saying "oh, oh, oh!"  After composing myself I began again.  This time it shot down my throat.  I had read not to swallow, but to blow it back out my nose.  Blowing back out my nose caused more stinging, more dancing and consequently choking from the solution running down my throat.  Not to mention running down the front of me and on to the floor. The choking then caused me to get asthma. So, I'm blowing, sucking, swallowing, coughing and wheezing...along with the dance.

Wiped my nose, used my inhaler and went to work...with a headache, leaky nose and the "Original Neti Pot" on my grocery list.

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