Tuesday, September 13, 2011

Happy Birthday Avery!

Until I had a child, I had no idea how much I would love this baby, nor what it felt like to be a Mom.  Likewise, with being a Grandma.  Yesterday was Avery's 1st Birthday.  I wanted to put it words what it means to be a grandma, since no one could give me a really precise idea of it, when I was looking forward to Avery's birth.  Well, now I know.  Now I know why no one could really put it in words.  There aren't any.

There are somethings in life that only experience can teach you.  I don't believe you can ever know how it feels to be a grandparent, until you are one.  Just as you can never know a parent's love until you are a parent.  I know, I know that there might be some of you out there that might be offended by my comments.  I have wonderful friends that do not have children.  I can't imagine how you have dealt with this.  But, I stand by my opinion that just as you cannot know what it's like to have a child, I don't know what it would be like if I hadn't had any.  Does this make sense?

Some knowledge can only be attained by experience. Little side note: Be careful when you feel critical of someone, if you have not walked in their shoes.  You never know how you're going to handle something unless you are faced with it.  Then and only then can you give good counsel and/or criticism.

OK...back to being a Grandma.  I was talking with a Grandpa the other day.  He was talking about his grandchildren and I was talking about mine.  I paused and he said "I know...he has your heart."  THAT, is the best that I can do, at describing how it feels.  Avery has my heart.  I get tears in my eyes just typing that.

Yesterday I went to see him on his Birthday.  I love the way he smiles when he sees me.  I got on my hands and knees and chased him around the house.  He laughed, screamed with excitement, gave me slobbery kisses and hugs.  This has to be what Heaven is like.  he he he

Happy Birthday Avery, my heart, my grandson.  I love you!

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