Monday, March 7, 2011

Dog Days

I love a good cliche!  Ask anyone in my family and they will tell you.  Last night I heard a good one..."Every dog has his day".  I couldn't even sleep, because I thought of many scenerios of this cliche.  So...I wrote a blog post about it.  Let me tell was good!

I had a whim of a thought, to look up the origin, just to add a little something to my post.  THAT, is when I realized that I took the cliche wrong!  My whole blog post was not correct!

So...instead of a really quippie blog post, you get this. :)

My sister said I should have called my blog "Life with a blonde".  Ha...maybe she was right.


  1. We know you love a good cliche but I can attest (since you past your cliche gene to Shane) that you guys have trouble getting them right! haha

    We love you anyway. 'nip it in the butt!'

  2. This will be forever my favorite post :)

  3. LOL! It's not too late to change your Blog Name.

  4. You're being transparent.... and that's what's important... and well.... gold can also mean 'blonde' .... hmmmm?
