Wednesday, March 16, 2011

The Unexpected

I've been a little distracted lately.  Sort track.  You see, I'm a planner.  I plan.  It works for me.  I may not finish my to "do list," or other goals I've set, but that's's MY plan.  

Now, what really bothers me is when MY plan is disturbed!  Why?  I didn't plan for that. :)

I planned a doctor check up because I had a birthday, and thought I better have blood work done, etc.  What I didn't plan on, was that there was an actual reason why I felt weak.  I'm anemic.  I don't think it's a big deal, in fact, it's encouraging.  I mean, if I can clean 6-7 houses a week, not counting mine, plus do everything else that a Mom and wife does...AND be anemic...I'm going to have crazy energy...when they figure this out! 

Doctor's plan: Run tests that will include...the unfamiliar. Run more tests.  Spend my only fun day (designated day off that I try to have frivolous fun) going to hospitals.

(My daughter editing this laughed out loud reading that I try to have frivolous fun....I guess my idea of frivolous fun is a little different than most ;)

Argh! Argh! Ugh!

So, I spent a couple days stewing about how MY plans were being changed.  Then....I said to myself, "buckle up, buttercup," we got a job to do!  I didn't actually talk to myself, but if I did...I would have said that. :)

I decided that if I had to do this horrible thing, then my grandson Avery has to come with me!  Well, actually, I needed a ride and someone to stay with me.  Diana was gracious enough to do this for me.  It was a really awesome distraction.  Diana and I love to talk, and now...we love to ooo and aww over Avery.  So, here's Avery being oh so adorable and distracting me from the doom and gloom that lies ahead.

Last night, I had a discussion with one of my daughters about life. We talked about all the ups and downs and the unexpected.  I want my kids to be prepared for life, for the sorrow and trials that it brings, along with their childlike, loftily dreams of the future. Why?  So it doesn't catch them off guard.  I want them prepared for the toughness, that way it's not a big surprise.'s on their plan, sort of speak.  

Life is not about how easy you can get through it, much you influence the world around you, in the way you respond to it. We can't change the people or situations that come into our lives.  Sometimes the unexpected pays a visit. It won't be in our plan.  What we can do... is respond in a way that honors God and influences the people around us. To respond in a way that influences others to look closer at their own lives and their relationship with God,

So...did I do this...with my "unexpected" situation?  Um...probably not as well as I should have.  But, I'm more prepared for the next time.  It's in my plan. :)

1 comment:

  1. hehe it IS fun to hang out with the little guy!

    Glad I could help. It was a nice day being with you.
