Many years ago, I was in a fearful situation. I had a stalker that caused me to look over my shoulder, always. I had to weigh whether or not it was safe to take my small boys out, or if we should just stay home. I spent many days, hanging out at friend's houses, places that I knew...he could not find me. I grew accustomed to closing all the blinds and having the TV or radio loud, so my boys could not hear this man yelling outside my door. He was so crafty at what he did, that he even had the police laughing with him, in front of my house.
I lived in fear.
One of the many people whom I sought counsel from, told me "Sheryl, do not get addicted to the drama." I thought he was crazy! Why in the world would I want this kind of drama. At some point, I realized that he was talking about the adrenaline rush that you get, in fear. There is a fine line between good adrenaline and the kind that comes from fear. It feels the same in your body. Your body can become addicted to it and unconsciously create drama to experience the same rush.
I have been very thankful to this friend for being so blunt with me. Through the years, I was careful to keep his advice close in my mind and prevent becoming an adrenaline addict.
The other day, something happened that brought back all the fear that I thought was far removed from my mind, my life. The situation was not near as dangerous, did not matter. My body reacted the same. I was so shocked to be shaking and reacting the way I was. I had no idea that my body remembered....fear.
Thinking about this, made me think about all the things that our bodies, must remember. Certain smells, seasons, sounds, tastes. Any combination of our senses that throw us back in time, to a wonderful or horrible place.
Each year in the month of August...I will have a day that I feel empty. It took me awhile, but...I figured out that I was missing my baby that I miscarried in August of 81. Though many years ago, the season is a constant reminder of my loss. This, is just one of many twinges that bring back memories, that makes my body ache, shake or feel completely loved and safe.
Think about it. Lilacs are about to bloom....what does the smell remind you of? For's the freedom of running outside without shoes, summer barbeques and stepping in dog poo. OK...we could have lived without THAT memory :)
So, how do we live with all these emotions, all the memories...good and bad? How do we keep our bodies from acting out our past experiences?
We don't! To get rid of the bad...we would lose the good. To stop feeling the horrible, we would never feel elation! God created us to feel...
to live.
So...we go on, day after day, creating memories, the good, along with the awful and we thank God for the wonderful and learn from the crazy. Because, we are...
alive. |
ReplyDeleteI've heard women say, in their ignorance, to another woman who miscarried..."Well, at least you never got to know it". How cruel! If you've ever lost a child, even if that precious life was in your womb...that tiny baby is and always will be a part of your matter how long you live. And all the "what ifs" and the "I wonder...." about your child will spring into your mind without warning. That sweet baby will never be discounted from your memory or your life. You have a wonderful gift of penning your emotions into writing. You are a gift to all of us. And especially to our "lighten her up." I love you!
ReplyDeleteThis made me cry a little as it brought back the bad memories that we experienced right along with you. It is really hard to see someone abuse your own child. I do feel that because I went through that, I am a better person today. I really learned to trust God. I now know that He will bring us through any trial that we might experience. I remember how sad you were when you lost the baby. We were sad because we were so far away and couldn't be there for you. God has made you much stronger and able to help others in their need. You are a wonderful daughter and we are very proud of you.
ReplyDeleteI never looked at emotions in that way... so in detail! I never thought that you couldent have elation without fear and heartbreak. That totaly opened my eyes to that. Being my age I dont really step back and see how it all connects together in a certain way for Gods glory its so facinating how it all does work together!Its really interesting that 10 people could see one scenario and have 10 different angles that they see it from. This angle really opened my eyes that I just look at whats happening and dont look how it can benifit in the future. Thank you for being so strong!