Friday, May 6, 2011

Meant to Be

I cannot remember a time that I did not want to be a Mom.  I loved playing house and pretending that I was a wife and a mother.  Of course, Jeanie did make me be the husband at times. he he he  Things did not change when I became a teenager.  I picked out baby names and started collecting things that I would have in my own house someday. I even bought some baby clothes at a garage sale. When people would ask me what I wanted to be, I would reply...a Mom.  That was my goal, my dream. 

Well, God has blessed me plenty!  Besides the three children of my own, God has allowed me the pleasure of helping raise two step children and now I have a grandson!  My cup is full, as they say, but...there's always room for more. 
Today, I decided to just attach a story with pictures.  Hope you enjoy!


Shane 2001
Married Richie 2002

Ashlee & Joshua
Sean's Grad 2003

Shane introduced Diana
Kids with Richie's Grandparents
Richie's Mom, we call her Nana!

My Mom and Dad with my all my kids
Ashley's Grad 2010
My grandson, Avery Frank
Great Grandma and Grandpa 

Thank you God for making me a Mom.  Not just a Mom to my birth children, but to anyone who embraced my love.  Thank you for bringing Richie, Ashlee and Josh into my life. Thank you for giving me a wonderful Mom that I can imitate, a lovely mother in law that I can be friends with, five awesome children, all very unique and thank you God, for Avery Frank!


  1. Aww, love all those photos....except the one you picked for my introduction, of course. haha

    So glad my baby got a good grandma like you:)

  2. I was tired of sitting at the computer by that point and just grabbing pictures. :)

    Thank you so much! Love you honey bunny!

  3. Unconditional love is what you do so well. So proud to call you FRIEND! Happy Mother's Day!!
