I never really asked my Mom permission to start doing things. I just started when my older sister Jeanie did. lol I know she hated that, but...we were loyal to each other. Mom was pretty busy with life and really didn't seem to notice that I looked like a common prostitute. Ha...just kidding. I never looked common. :)
So...Jeanie worked on Mom for a couple of years for permission to wear makeup and I just started when she did. My first attempt was eye shadow. I picked a light gray that washed my eyes out completely. But I thought...I was pretty. Then one day at church camp, I watched an older girl put on mascara. It was called something magic and I really thought it was. As soon as I got home, I got some of that magic stuff that makes your eyelashes longer.
There was an older girl in my church who I thought was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen and I wanted to be just like her! Her name was Mikelle B. So, the moment came for me to sport my new magic mascara and Mikelle, noticed me. I didn't think she even knew I excited. She stopped dead in her tracks and said "You have pretty eyes.) I thought I was going to faint. I swore that moment that I would never be caught dead without mascara. If I were stranded on a desert Island and I could only have one thing...It would be mascara.
From there it was looking at magazines or other girls, copying their looks until I found mine. At least until a few years past and I realized that you had to keep finding your look because styles change. But...it's still fun. It still feels like art and I love experimenting.
So, here are the makeup products that I love. Realize, I'm not that picky. What works for me, works for me and there might be something totally different that works for you. We are all unique. Keep in mind that I have dry to normal skin, I'm 50, medium complexion and light eyes.
Foundation: I've tried the age defying stuff, but most of the time, it feels greasy and sweats off quickly. The foundation that I use the most is...
Next I use cover up. I have one red scar in between my eyebrows that makes me look Indian, which I don't mind, but...it's really not dark enough to look authentic, so...must be covered. I also have circles under my eyes because I'm old and have 5 kids. :)
I like two different cover ups for different reasons, but they are both from Benifit cosmetics. The first one covers the touch stuff better, but will accentuate any lines.
The second one is called Erase Paste Really does what it says and is much creamier. Well worth the money and again, will last forever!
While I'm on the subject of Benefit cosmetics, want to mention a few more amazing products. I love their
Powderflage I never put powder around my eyes, cuz..I think it dries your skin out, but this stuff is amazing. It diffuses the light and takes years off of your appearance. I suppose young women have no need for this product, but...for us oldies...isn't awesome!
Another wonderful product that Benefit has is That Gal, face primer. Really holds your makeup on longer and makes it look smoother.
Benefit has a bunch of fun products and everything if packaged...just like a girl would love. Very pretty. You can find them online or at Sephora. Check them out and have a blast with their cute little names for everything.
Ok...where were we. Blush. Ugh...I still have not found a blush that I swear by. Always buying something new when my old one is finished. If you have any hints... please share. They are usually too dark, too light or too iridescent. And...I have never been able to use a cream...seems to come right off. :(
Face Powder: Here again, no all time favorite. I prefer a loose powder, but carry a compact for those touch up moments.
Lipstick: love the long time wear ones. My favorite one is:
You can find this brand at Target. I love everything I have tried from this brand. They have fun stuff and great fragrances. This lip gloss actually makes your lips tingle and suppose to make them look larger. Not sure about the larger claim, but...still love it!
Eye shadow: It use to be that you could not get a good pigment from over the counter, but...they have improved enormously. And, buying eye shadow at Target or Walmart
Eye liner: Anything that is soft. I don't like the pencils that pull on my eyes. Make sure the color you choose it not too dark for you or you might look kind of cheap. Waahaha! I also use eye shadow for liner with a damp eye liner brush.
Mascara: used the magic stuff for years, but switched a couple of years ago to
Cover Girl Lash Exact Mascara, Very Black
It goes on thicker, so I don't have to spend as much time putting on layers. I also use water proof, because I cry a lot. Ha!Well, can't think of anything else, but...if I do, I'll write about it later. Please let me know about your favorite products and ask me any questions if you have them.
Happy painting!
Hehe I love you
ReplyDeleteThat's it! You asked me to write this post and all I get is hehe I love you?
ReplyDeleteOK, I love you too! hehe
I actually had a long post but then my phone died and I lost it all...then I had to go out with ben and got lazy. Haha. Ill comment tomorrow when we leave him! :P
ReplyDeleteI figured babe!