Saturday, August 13, 2011

Happy Day 1

OK... I was listening to the song Happy, by one of my favorite poetic bands.  It's a song about contentment.  Well at least that is my interpretation.  So, I got this idea. I go through my day and think of many things that make me happy, but rarely share my thoughts.   So I came up with an awesome idea.  For the next 30 days, I'm going to share my happy moments.  Hopefully this will cause any readers that I have to also think of their life more positive and have more contentment.  With every bad or difficult thing in life, there is always something to be grateful for.

Today, day #1:
I was happy to accomplish some house cleaning and organizing.
Happy to see my kids when they first woke up.
Happy to take a nap.
Happy that the day is almost over and I can relax and have a fun evening with my family.

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