I have had a cold for over a week and still have the headache, congestion etc. Don't believe I have an infection, but thought that I would try the Neti Pot thing that everyone brags about.
First mistake...thinking that I could do it myself without buying a Neti Pot or solution. I filled up a squirt bottle with lukewarm water and a pinch of salt. Leaned over the sink and began what I thought would be a simple task.
As I squirted the salt water through one nostril, the first thing that I felt was stinging! I jumped around doing the "o" dance. You know, where you hold the ailing body part and dance around saying "oh, oh, oh!" After composing myself I began again. This time it shot down my throat. I had read not to swallow, but to blow it back out my nose. Blowing back out my nose caused more stinging, more dancing and consequently choking from the solution running down my throat. Not to mention running down the front of me and on to the floor. The choking then caused me to get asthma. So, I'm blowing, sucking, swallowing, coughing and wheezing...along with the dance.
Wiped my nose, used my inhaler and went to work...with a headache, leaky nose and the "Original Neti Pot" on my grocery list.
Tuesday, September 27, 2011
Saturday, September 24, 2011
No Cold Medicine Required
So you got my back
My father lent me a hand
A cat got my tongue
Someone is pulling my leg
Someone else is twisting my arm
My Mom has her eye on me
But I do have a good head on my shoulders
Even though it might be half way up a gift horse's mouth
But here are my concerns
If I get a leg up and everyone is pulling the other one, then I land on my non existent back, cuz you got it.
Although I have eyes for Richie...I have 3 now, thanks to Mom
Not to mention that with 3 hands, I have lots of choices which one to give a "hand out".
The other two will be on the keyboard trying to communicate since
The cat got my tongue
Oh wait, one arm is being twisted o nooooooos!
This isn't a very attractive look on my good head sitting on my shoulders
Moral: Next time someone says they got your back....retrieve it and run!
Oh I know...this will all go in one ear... and out the other
Dedicated to my Mom's cliches and my Dad's kookie way of taking things literal. Love you!
My father lent me a hand
A cat got my tongue
Someone is pulling my leg
Someone else is twisting my arm
My Mom has her eye on me
But I do have a good head on my shoulders
Even though it might be half way up a gift horse's mouth
But here are my concerns
If I get a leg up and everyone is pulling the other one, then I land on my non existent back, cuz you got it.
Although I have eyes for Richie...I have 3 now, thanks to Mom
Not to mention that with 3 hands, I have lots of choices which one to give a "hand out".
The other two will be on the keyboard trying to communicate since
The cat got my tongue
Oh wait, one arm is being twisted o nooooooos!
This isn't a very attractive look on my good head sitting on my shoulders
Moral: Next time someone says they got your back....retrieve it and run!
Oh I know...this will all go in one ear... and out the other
Dedicated to my Mom's cliches and my Dad's kookie way of taking things literal. Love you!
Friday, September 23, 2011
Mommy Moments
OK, I am not and never have been a "perfect" Mom. I am however an experienced Mom. What this means is that I have had, and still do have many children, ages 13 through 28 years of age. I have made, and will still make many mistakes. Plus, I have children that span a large age range, so...I have experience with different ages also. This Experience does not make me so much smarter than everyone else, but this is experience that I would love to share with others.
I am a big proponent of women teaching other women. I have always watched and listened to other women for advice and answers to problems. Most of what I could share with you would be advice that I also learned from older more experienced Moms. That being said, I would like to share, from time to time, some really practical advice about being a Mommy. Hopefully, what I share will be helpful. I was also thinking that I wish I had done this years ago with my first child; so that, any time after, I could just tell the offending child to "go read my blog." :) ha ha ha
So today, I want to talk about something very practical that will help with a lot of unnecessary arguments between the kids: My older kids used to call "shotgun!", as they went to the car. Most of you know, this meant that they got the front seat. The problem with this system was that Shane was always quicker, so I had to tell Shane that is was Sean's turn and then I was the policeman of the front seat situation.
Any time that you can eliminate yourself from being a referee between your kids the better. So, my husband (not a older wiser woman/mommy, but...very wise), had a great idea: Our two younger kids have birth dates that are odd and even. So, on odd days, Josh gets the front seat and on even days, Ashlee does. This is awesome for these two espescially, because we share custody and we can't always be around to referee their arguments. They have adapted to this very well and we never have an argument about who rides in front. We also use this system to keep track of who's turn it is to do dishes and who's turn it is to empty the trash.
So, that's my Mommy Moment for today. Tons more coming soon!
Please tell us all if you have a great system also. Would love to hear from you!
I am a big proponent of women teaching other women. I have always watched and listened to other women for advice and answers to problems. Most of what I could share with you would be advice that I also learned from older more experienced Moms. That being said, I would like to share, from time to time, some really practical advice about being a Mommy. Hopefully, what I share will be helpful. I was also thinking that I wish I had done this years ago with my first child; so that, any time after, I could just tell the offending child to "go read my blog." :) ha ha ha
So today, I want to talk about something very practical that will help with a lot of unnecessary arguments between the kids: My older kids used to call "shotgun!", as they went to the car. Most of you know, this meant that they got the front seat. The problem with this system was that Shane was always quicker, so I had to tell Shane that is was Sean's turn and then I was the policeman of the front seat situation.
Any time that you can eliminate yourself from being a referee between your kids the better. So, my husband (not a older wiser woman/mommy, but...very wise), had a great idea: Our two younger kids have birth dates that are odd and even. So, on odd days, Josh gets the front seat and on even days, Ashlee does. This is awesome for these two espescially, because we share custody and we can't always be around to referee their arguments. They have adapted to this very well and we never have an argument about who rides in front. We also use this system to keep track of who's turn it is to do dishes and who's turn it is to empty the trash.
So, that's my Mommy Moment for today. Tons more coming soon!
Please tell us all if you have a great system also. Would love to hear from you!
Tuesday, September 20, 2011
I'm taking cold medicine and well...it makes me a little scattered. So, needless to say, haven't thought of a thing to write a post about.
Some of the the things that have been going through my head are...Who has two heads? If two heads are better than one. I guess conjoined twins might, but...pretty sure they don't think that it's better. One head has to want to get away from the other head, at least once in awhile. And, if the early bird gets the worm, there are still a lot of worms left, not to worry. If all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, then I am Jack's wasted life. he he he
OK, so enough of my profound thoughts.
I'm so glad we had this time together
Just to have a laugh or sing a song
seems we just get started
then before you know it
comes the time we have to say
So long
Goodnight everybody!
Some of the the things that have been going through my head are...Who has two heads? If two heads are better than one. I guess conjoined twins might, but...pretty sure they don't think that it's better. One head has to want to get away from the other head, at least once in awhile. And, if the early bird gets the worm, there are still a lot of worms left, not to worry. If all work and no play makes Jack a dull boy, then I am Jack's wasted life. he he he
OK, so enough of my profound thoughts.
I'm so glad we had this time together
Just to have a laugh or sing a song
seems we just get started
then before you know it
comes the time we have to say
So long
Goodnight everybody!
Tuesday, September 13, 2011
Happy Birthday Avery!
Until I had a child, I had no idea how much I would love this baby, nor what it felt like to be a Mom. Likewise, with being a Grandma. Yesterday was Avery's 1st Birthday. I wanted to put it words what it means to be a grandma, since no one could give me a really precise idea of it, when I was looking forward to Avery's birth. Well, now I know. Now I know why no one could really put it in words. There aren't any.
There are somethings in life that only experience can teach you. I don't believe you can ever know how it feels to be a grandparent, until you are one. Just as you can never know a parent's love until you are a parent. I know, I know that there might be some of you out there that might be offended by my comments. I have wonderful friends that do not have children. I can't imagine how you have dealt with this. But, I stand by my opinion that just as you cannot know what it's like to have a child, I don't know what it would be like if I hadn't had any. Does this make sense?
Some knowledge can only be attained by experience. Little side note: Be careful when you feel critical of someone, if you have not walked in their shoes. You never know how you're going to handle something unless you are faced with it. Then and only then can you give good counsel and/or criticism.
OK...back to being a Grandma. I was talking with a Grandpa the other day. He was talking about his grandchildren and I was talking about mine. I paused and he said "I know...he has your heart." THAT, is the best that I can do, at describing how it feels. Avery has my heart. I get tears in my eyes just typing that.
Yesterday I went to see him on his Birthday. I love the way he smiles when he sees me. I got on my hands and knees and chased him around the house. He laughed, screamed with excitement, gave me slobbery kisses and hugs. This has to be what Heaven is like. he he he
Happy Birthday Avery, my heart, my grandson. I love you!
There are somethings in life that only experience can teach you. I don't believe you can ever know how it feels to be a grandparent, until you are one. Just as you can never know a parent's love until you are a parent. I know, I know that there might be some of you out there that might be offended by my comments. I have wonderful friends that do not have children. I can't imagine how you have dealt with this. But, I stand by my opinion that just as you cannot know what it's like to have a child, I don't know what it would be like if I hadn't had any. Does this make sense?
Some knowledge can only be attained by experience. Little side note: Be careful when you feel critical of someone, if you have not walked in their shoes. You never know how you're going to handle something unless you are faced with it. Then and only then can you give good counsel and/or criticism.
OK...back to being a Grandma. I was talking with a Grandpa the other day. He was talking about his grandchildren and I was talking about mine. I paused and he said "I know...he has your heart." THAT, is the best that I can do, at describing how it feels. Avery has my heart. I get tears in my eyes just typing that.
Yesterday I went to see him on his Birthday. I love the way he smiles when he sees me. I got on my hands and knees and chased him around the house. He laughed, screamed with excitement, gave me slobbery kisses and hugs. This has to be what Heaven is like. he he he
Happy Birthday Avery, my heart, my grandson. I love you!
Tuesday, September 6, 2011
Favorite Things Part II Makeup
One of my daughters requested that I talk about makeup. I love makeup! I'm kind of an artsy creative kind of person, so for me makeup is just another medium and my face is the canvas. Needless to say, when I first started creating on my face...I made some horrible mistakes. :0
I never really asked my Mom permission to start doing things. I just started when my older sister Jeanie did. lol I know she hated that, but...we were loyal to each other. Mom was pretty busy with life and really didn't seem to notice that I looked like a common prostitute. Ha...just kidding. I never looked common. :)
So...Jeanie worked on Mom for a couple of years for permission to wear makeup and I just started when she did. My first attempt was eye shadow. I picked a light gray that washed my eyes out completely. But I thought...I was pretty. Then one day at church camp, I watched an older girl put on mascara. It was called something magic and I really thought it was. As soon as I got home, I got some of that magic stuff that makes your eyelashes longer.
There was an older girl in my church who I thought was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen and I wanted to be just like her! Her name was Mikelle B. So, the moment came for me to sport my new magic mascara and Mikelle, noticed me. I didn't think she even knew I excited. She stopped dead in her tracks and said "You have pretty eyes.) I thought I was going to faint. I swore that moment that I would never be caught dead without mascara. If I were stranded on a desert Island and I could only have one thing...It would be mascara.
From there it was looking at magazines or other girls, copying their looks until I found mine. At least until a few years past and I realized that you had to keep finding your look because styles change. But...it's still fun. It still feels like art and I love experimenting.
So, here are the makeup products that I love. Realize, I'm not that picky. What works for me, works for me and there might be something totally different that works for you. We are all unique. Keep in mind that I have dry to normal skin, I'm 50, medium complexion and light eyes.
Foundation: I've tried the age defying stuff, but most of the time, it feels greasy and sweats off quickly. The foundation that I use the most is...
It has the coverage that I like, a little spf, and just seems to do what I want, which is even my skin tone.
Next I use cover up. I have one red scar in between my eyebrows that makes me look Indian, which I don't mind, but...it's really not dark enough to look authentic, so...must be covered. I also have circles under my eyes because I'm old and have 5 kids. :)
I like two different cover ups for different reasons, but they are both from Benifit cosmetics. The first one covers the touch stuff better, but will accentuate any lines.
Love, love, love this stuff. The light seems to be too light for me and the medium, too dark. So..I buy both and mix. They last forever, so...don't worry about the price.
The second one is called Erase Paste Really does what it says and is much creamier. Well worth the money and again, will last forever!
While I'm on the subject of Benefit cosmetics, want to mention a few more amazing products. I love their
Powderflage I never put powder around my eyes, cuz..I think it dries your skin out, but this stuff is amazing. It diffuses the light and takes years off of your appearance. I suppose young women have no need for this product, but...for us oldies...isn't awesome!
Another wonderful product that Benefit has is That Gal, face primer. Really holds your makeup on longer and makes it look smoother.
Benefit has a bunch of fun products and everything if packaged...just like a girl would love. Very pretty. You can find them online or at Sephora. Check them out and have a blast with their cute little names for everything.
Ok...where were we. Blush. Ugh...I still have not found a blush that I swear by. Always buying something new when my old one is finished. If you have any hints... please share. They are usually too dark, too light or too iridescent. And...I have never been able to use a cream...seems to come right off. :(
Face Powder: Here again, no all time favorite. I prefer a loose powder, but carry a compact for those touch up moments.
Lipstick: love the long time wear ones. My favorite one is:
Covergirl Outlast Double lip Shine. I love being able to kiss my kids and grandson, without leaving lipstick on them. This one also has a shine to it, so, it appears smoother, creamier. Also like this...

You can find this brand at Target. I love everything I have tried from this brand. They have fun stuff and great fragrances. This lip gloss actually makes your lips tingle and suppose to make them look larger. Not sure about the larger claim, but...still love it!
Eye shadow: It use to be that you could not get a good pigment from over the counter, but...they have improved enormously. And, buying eye shadow at Target or Walmart
Eye liner: Anything that is soft. I don't like the pencils that pull on my eyes. Make sure the color you choose it not too dark for you or you might look kind of cheap. Waahaha! I also use eye shadow for liner with a damp eye liner brush.
Mascara: used the magic stuff for years, but switched a couple of years ago to
Well, can't think of anything else, but...if I do, I'll write about it later. Please let me know about your favorite products and ask me any questions if you have them.
Happy painting!
I never really asked my Mom permission to start doing things. I just started when my older sister Jeanie did. lol I know she hated that, but...we were loyal to each other. Mom was pretty busy with life and really didn't seem to notice that I looked like a common prostitute. Ha...just kidding. I never looked common. :)
So...Jeanie worked on Mom for a couple of years for permission to wear makeup and I just started when she did. My first attempt was eye shadow. I picked a light gray that washed my eyes out completely. But I thought...I was pretty. Then one day at church camp, I watched an older girl put on mascara. It was called something magic and I really thought it was. As soon as I got home, I got some of that magic stuff that makes your eyelashes longer.
There was an older girl in my church who I thought was the most beautiful girl I'd ever seen and I wanted to be just like her! Her name was Mikelle B. So, the moment came for me to sport my new magic mascara and Mikelle, noticed me. I didn't think she even knew I excited. She stopped dead in her tracks and said "You have pretty eyes.) I thought I was going to faint. I swore that moment that I would never be caught dead without mascara. If I were stranded on a desert Island and I could only have one thing...It would be mascara.
From there it was looking at magazines or other girls, copying their looks until I found mine. At least until a few years past and I realized that you had to keep finding your look because styles change. But...it's still fun. It still feels like art and I love experimenting.
So, here are the makeup products that I love. Realize, I'm not that picky. What works for me, works for me and there might be something totally different that works for you. We are all unique. Keep in mind that I have dry to normal skin, I'm 50, medium complexion and light eyes.
Foundation: I've tried the age defying stuff, but most of the time, it feels greasy and sweats off quickly. The foundation that I use the most is...
Next I use cover up. I have one red scar in between my eyebrows that makes me look Indian, which I don't mind, but...it's really not dark enough to look authentic, so...must be covered. I also have circles under my eyes because I'm old and have 5 kids. :)
I like two different cover ups for different reasons, but they are both from Benifit cosmetics. The first one covers the touch stuff better, but will accentuate any lines.
The second one is called Erase Paste Really does what it says and is much creamier. Well worth the money and again, will last forever!
While I'm on the subject of Benefit cosmetics, want to mention a few more amazing products. I love their
Powderflage I never put powder around my eyes, cuz..I think it dries your skin out, but this stuff is amazing. It diffuses the light and takes years off of your appearance. I suppose young women have no need for this product, but...for us oldies...isn't awesome!
Another wonderful product that Benefit has is That Gal, face primer. Really holds your makeup on longer and makes it look smoother.
Benefit has a bunch of fun products and everything if packaged...just like a girl would love. Very pretty. You can find them online or at Sephora. Check them out and have a blast with their cute little names for everything.
Ok...where were we. Blush. Ugh...I still have not found a blush that I swear by. Always buying something new when my old one is finished. If you have any hints... please share. They are usually too dark, too light or too iridescent. And...I have never been able to use a cream...seems to come right off. :(
Face Powder: Here again, no all time favorite. I prefer a loose powder, but carry a compact for those touch up moments.
Lipstick: love the long time wear ones. My favorite one is:
You can find this brand at Target. I love everything I have tried from this brand. They have fun stuff and great fragrances. This lip gloss actually makes your lips tingle and suppose to make them look larger. Not sure about the larger claim, but...still love it!
Eye shadow: It use to be that you could not get a good pigment from over the counter, but...they have improved enormously. And, buying eye shadow at Target or Walmart
Eye liner: Anything that is soft. I don't like the pencils that pull on my eyes. Make sure the color you choose it not too dark for you or you might look kind of cheap. Waahaha! I also use eye shadow for liner with a damp eye liner brush.
Mascara: used the magic stuff for years, but switched a couple of years ago to
Cover Girl Lash Exact Mascara, Very Black
It goes on thicker, so I don't have to spend as much time putting on layers. I also use water proof, because I cry a lot. Ha!Well, can't think of anything else, but...if I do, I'll write about it later. Please let me know about your favorite products and ask me any questions if you have them.
Happy painting!
Thursday, September 1, 2011
I always follow the rules. Well, most of the time.
I went to McDonalds to get a good nutritious breakfast. ;) When I arrived, there was a little line. I pulled into the line. (following the rules) The lady behind me decided that her time was much more valuable then the rest of ours, so...she pulled around me and went to the second line. She did not take into consideration that the rest of us would do the same, when the line moved up. There is a reason there is a solid white line. (rules) Anyway, I didn't have time to get out of my car, knock on her window and challenge her to a dance off, so...I took the high road and blew it off.
Just so happend that God rewarded me and I got the speaker before her. I spouted my order off promptly. One, because I knew exactly what I wanted. One sausage mcmuffin and Lg diet coke. An order well thought out because a sausage mcmuffin will stay with me for aproximately 6 hours which will allow me to clean 2 houses without needing to be refueled. And number two reason for ordering quickly....I wanted to beat the CHEATER!!!! Which I did.
But...the cheater decided to advance in front of me to pay and pick up her food, even though I was done ordering first. Ugh...she beat me again! So, I did the Christian thing and once again refrained from a throw down.
The score was now 2 to 1. She was in the lead. After paying and picking up my well planned out breakfast, I drove off. A bit down the road I opened my bag to find that there were two hash browns enclosed! O my...I got the other ladies breakfast! Because I had ordered first, but she went to pick up first, they got our breakfasts mixed up. She got my well planned out treat and I got her hash browns.
It took me a minute, but then the elation began to come over me. This skinny female dog, cheater who probably can't eat meat...got what was coming to her! I started singing praise songs and giggling at the thought of the inconvenience it was causing her and how she deserved it. etc. (oh stop....I know you feel like that sometimes, too) I was so wrapped up in my triumph that it took a second to realize that I was going to have to eat her hash browns. My well planned breakfast had turned into a carb fest with little or no nutritional value.
Oh well...it was worth it!
Moral to the story: Cheaters are also carb eaters and that's probably what makes them act like female dogs.
Whaa ha ha ha ha!
I went to McDonalds to get a good nutritious breakfast. ;) When I arrived, there was a little line. I pulled into the line. (following the rules) The lady behind me decided that her time was much more valuable then the rest of ours, so...she pulled around me and went to the second line. She did not take into consideration that the rest of us would do the same, when the line moved up. There is a reason there is a solid white line. (rules) Anyway, I didn't have time to get out of my car, knock on her window and challenge her to a dance off, so...I took the high road and blew it off.
Just so happend that God rewarded me and I got the speaker before her. I spouted my order off promptly. One, because I knew exactly what I wanted. One sausage mcmuffin and Lg diet coke. An order well thought out because a sausage mcmuffin will stay with me for aproximately 6 hours which will allow me to clean 2 houses without needing to be refueled. And number two reason for ordering quickly....I wanted to beat the CHEATER!!!! Which I did.
But...the cheater decided to advance in front of me to pay and pick up her food, even though I was done ordering first. Ugh...she beat me again! So, I did the Christian thing and once again refrained from a throw down.
The score was now 2 to 1. She was in the lead. After paying and picking up my well planned out breakfast, I drove off. A bit down the road I opened my bag to find that there were two hash browns enclosed! O my...I got the other ladies breakfast! Because I had ordered first, but she went to pick up first, they got our breakfasts mixed up. She got my well planned out treat and I got her hash browns.
It took me a minute, but then the elation began to come over me. This skinny female dog, cheater who probably can't eat meat...got what was coming to her! I started singing praise songs and giggling at the thought of the inconvenience it was causing her and how she deserved it. etc. (oh stop....I know you feel like that sometimes, too) I was so wrapped up in my triumph that it took a second to realize that I was going to have to eat her hash browns. My well planned breakfast had turned into a carb fest with little or no nutritional value.
Oh well...it was worth it!
Moral to the story: Cheaters are also carb eaters and that's probably what makes them act like female dogs.
Whaa ha ha ha ha!
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