Sunday, February 26, 2012

Define Insanity

They say that the definition of insanity is doing the same thing, but expecting different results.  So, I guess I'm insane!  I have trouble with change.  I'm a pattern person.  That sounds so much better than being stuck in a rut.  Ha, well..I suppose they are very much the same.  Whether it's a good rut or a bad, they are both comfortable for me. I do pretty well climbing out of the rut when I first get up, when I'm all refreshed for the day.  But my enemy.  Fatigue tells me to stop working so hard, I deserve a break.  When I'm tired, I just move in the rut. do I change those bad habits that make me fat or lazy etc?  If I knew that, I wouldn't be insane. :)  Maybe someone out there can tell me what they do?  I guess what I need to do is think about the ruts that need to be changed, into good ruts.  But not just think, actually make a plan for when I'm tired and a little brain dead.  What do you think?  Think that will work?  I know this is short, but I'm tired and in my evening rut. He He

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