My experience with men has been that he gets the new car and I get his old one, or he gets the new phone, I get his old one, etc. But, Richie is different and in a good way, not the "weird, trying to be nice by saying different," kind of way. Ha...I crack me up!
Anyway, it was a wonderful surprise and I have enjoyed the comforts of it all week. Thank you baby!
It got me to thinking though. (I out!)
For a while now I've been feeling unappreciated, unnoticed etc. All those emotions that we get when we are focusing on ourselves too much. All the while, Richie was planning to give me a wonderful surprise. So, while he was loving me enormously, I was wallowing in my self pity. How deceived I was. Deceived by what, you might ask?
By what I saw with my eyes.
Our eyes can deceive us, if we only believe what we see. Real truth is bigger than that. Beyond what we see, or any of our senses. Truth is beyond what we think or feel, beyond our intellect and comprehension. Truth is something only God knows entirely.
Corrie Ten Boom is an amazing woman who went through enormous difficulties in life. After her Holocaust experience, she wrote books and spoke about her experiences. While she was telling of the atrocities she lived through, she worked on needlework. At the end of her speech she would hold up the backside, which was just a jumble of colors and threads with no discernible pattern and she'd say, "That's how we see our lives. Sometimes it makes no sense." Then she would turn the needlepoint over to reveal the finished side and would conclude by saying, "This is how God views your life, and someday we will have the privilege of seeing it from his point of view."
I'll leave you with one of my favorite verses, 1 Corinthians 13:12
For now we see through a glass, darkly; but then face to face: now I know in part; but then shall I know even as also I am known.
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